Sunday, December 20, 2009

Remember To Take Pictures!

We have not been very good about taking pictures of our signs before delivering them, which explains why we have so few samples to show! I'm trying to work on that. Here are two signs we did for a friend for Christmas gifts she wanted to give to her friend with two girls.

This is a great combination. I love the "Garden Fairy" green background with the chocolate writing. I am also happy with the font combination. It turned out to be a pretty yet fun sign for a beautiful and spirited little girl.
This is the second time we've done a pink background with black writing. I'm never sure I'm going to like it when we get started, but it does make a striking contrast.

Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

One of My Favorites!

This is a sign we did for Kris' cousin's little boy months ago, and I finally got a picture of it today at their house when we went for a visit. The colors are a great combination, and it especially looks nice on the green walls in his bedroom.